Single-mother and child foundation

Meaningful Journey of Kiran Namaste Nepal (2004-2024)

Firstly Huge Congratulations to the Honorable Founders of Kiran Namaste Nepal Mrs. Iet Schilder & Mr Just Schilder for Celebrating 20th years of Excellence : supporting needy singlemothers and children in Nepal!  

Meaningful Journey with Kiran Namaste Nepal I am , as staff member of Kiran Namaste Nepal, delighted to share my memorable journey with Kiran Namaste Nepal. In 2006, September, on the occasion of biggest women festival TEEJ in Nepal, I was involved with my colleagues and  medical team for volunteer social support  free health camp for the women who come to worship in Pashupatinath temple. On that occasion fortunately I got opportunity to meet with Iet and that was the first visit with Iet and the beginning of my meaningful journey with Kiran Namaste Nepal.

In 2006, I joined KiranNamaste as a volunteer worker and from 2007 till 2014, I worked in Kiran Namaste as a part time worker and from 2014 till now I have been working as a fulltime worker (function Manager of Kiran Namaste house).

In 2004, Iet started the   Kiran Namaste Nepal Foundation with 5 needy single mothers and 11 children in rented house in Jawalakhel, Lalitpur. As a result of her tireless efforts, enthusiasm, selfless contribution  till December 2024 many needy single mothers and their  children’s lives have been significantly impacted. Right now 34  singlemothers and 60 children are having support  in Kiran Namaste’s own good safe house and Kiran Namaste have own professional sewing workshop for the tailory training and job for income generation and empowerment of single mothers and children.  

To lead and drive such a big social project is not always easy for Iet and Nepali staffteam team of Kiran Namaste and we had faced so many ups and downs in these 20 years of its establishment time. Iet always believe and trust on her work and she believes in the slogan “NEVER GIVE UP”, she teached this slogan to us the staffteam and mothers & children .This slogan helps a lot… and Iet  gets motivation to work when she sees the helpless single mothers and innocent children. Learning never ends in life and we learn from our mistakes and from each other . For me and staffteam  Iet is an inspiration and motivation in hard times to overcome from the tough situation and to handle it strongly and intelligently.  

As a staff of Kiran Namaste Nepal we are proud and grateful to be staff of Kiran Namaste Foundation, our work has  meaning!!  And having opportunity to work together with Iet in serving of needy singlemothers and children in Nepal. I enjoy and love to work in Kiran Namaste to bring positive changes and development in singlemothers and children’s life.  

The aim of Kiran Namaste Nepal is to support the real needy, genuine singlemothers and children. This seems to be easy task but in field it’s a tough job for us to make right and proper selection. For selection process we have experienced team of 3 person Iet (Founder)  and 2 staffs Manager (Narayan) and Supervisor (Ranju) . We make selection plan and work together with WHR ( Women for Human Rights, Single Women Group)Nepali Single women organizations, Ngos, Social workers etc. It takes few months to prepare to make good visit plan for selection of needy singlemothers. We make visit/trip plan coordinating with (WHR representative ) Nepali Single women organizations, Ngos, Social workers, at different remote/rural areas of Nepal to find and select needy singlemothers who deserved to get support. Following singlemothers selection guidelines and criteria to select the needy singlemothers and children, we  take professional interviews, deep talk, personal talk with singlemothers, sharing and  discussion in selection team, remarks of Signle Women Organizations representative etc. We take time to make final selection of singlemothers and before we select we share our feelings and enthusiasm in selection team. Our founder Iet is Professional in her job in Netherland  and her profession  is always great help for us in selection team to have good selection of needy and genuine singlemother cases. We have different kind of experience from interview of singlemothers and being too kind and emotionally soft is also not fruitful while having interview with the cases of single mothers. To avoid the unfit cases of single mothers in Kiran Namaste we follow our professional selection criteria and guidelines.  

Iet always says that vision of Kiran Namaste Foundation is to keep mother and child together and give them the  fishhook but not the  fish.  Iet believes: “The connection between mother and child is the core value of Kiran Namaste” It is an exceptional and creative ideas by Iet with the help of her dear Husband Mr Just to start a foundation which can help and support single mothers and children together so a mother and child get possibility to stay together. Kiran Namaste Foundation is a warm house for singlemothers anc children with harmonious environment. Iet is a caring mother as well as good guardian of Kiran Namaste Family. She is always there to guide and help staff team.  

We staff team, singlemothers and children are very happy and grateful with Iet for managing her valuable time to be in Kiran Namaste house 2 times in a year to support and guide us.   Historic Moment !!!  Celebrations !!! 20th Anniversary of Kiran Namaste Nepal (2004-2024) On 18th December 2024. What a Historic Moment ! Joyful Moment !! Unforgettable moment !!! we  celebrated 20th anniversary of Kiran Namaste Nepal on 18th December 2024  in Kiran Namaste Nepal Premises with valuable presence of honourable  Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City(LMC)  Mr.Chiri Babu Maharjan as a chief guest. At the start of the program Honourable founder Mrs Ietschilder gave her valuable welcome speech for all attendees of program. 

On her speech Iet shared her memorable amazing journey of 20th years of Kiran Namaste Nepal from the start till now. Mayor Chiri Babu Maharjan was so happy and impressed for having him on the occasion of 20th anniversary celebrations in Kiran Namaste House. He expressed his feeling in his speech that he liked Kiran Namaste Project so much and he wanted to become the special friend of Kiran Namaste and whenever in need he will be happyto welcome Kiran Namaste in Metropolitan City Office to give support and help to Kiran Namaste Project in future. Ward President Mr. Santosh Khadka was happy and impressed to see the Kiran Namaste Project and he told in his speech that he likes to support Kiran Namaste in future. He also shared that he will keep in contact with Kiran Namaste and recommend the needy cases of singlemothers & children in future.  

On the anniversary ceremony 2 singlemothers  and 4 elder children share their experience & feelings  about Kiran Namaste. The speech by 4 children who received long support by Kiran Namaste was heart touching and emotional for all the audience of program. There was peaceful and emotional atmoshphere during their speech in program. They gave highly respect to Iet as their mother and as their God…  for giving…love and care , Roots and Wings to develop their life . 4 children shared in speech that Kiran Namaste will be forever in their heart! They told “its our home” What a moment !!! Amazing and Beautiful moment to remember forever… Finally there was a Big surprise announce tp come ! At the right moment!! Special Honouring Ceremony To Iet !!! It was our dream to Hounour Iet for her outstanding contribution to support singlemothers and children of Kiran Namaste Nepal since 20 years ! And Finally Dream come true to Honour Iet (Founder of Kiran Namaste)  by Hounourable Mayor ChiriBabu Maharjan (Lalitpur Metropolitan City) That was the great unforgettable moment for all of us ( staff, singlemother and children, boardmembers, well wishers, invitees etc) On that occasion we missed one of the most important person of Kiran Namaste “Dear Just ”.

With sincere gratitude, we (staff, singlemothers & children) are thankful and grateful to you(Iet & Just) for your exceptional contributions and invaluable services to support us and we hope, your great leadership and energy you continue to provide. Kiran Namaste will continue for many many years..

“May Kiran Namaste Live Long”!

Staffteam of Kiran Namaste Nepal :
Narayan, Ranju and Rojina