Gegevens Stichting Kiran Namaste 
Project for Single Women and their children  

Geregistreerd als NGO in Nepal bij:
Social Welfare Council No: 16970
District Administration Office No: 55/1844
Permanent Accountant number of Tax no: 301707059  

Stichting Kiran Namaste 
Wilgenmeet 1 
4325 GG RENESSE (Zld)  
The Netherlands

Mobiel: 06-51834848
Mobiel: 06-22473238  


Fiscaalnummer: 814179897
Kamer van Koophandel Utrecht nummer: 30194920

Raad van Toezicht: Mevr. J.E. Sanders  

Bestuur Nederland
Voorzitter: I.J. Schilder-Verboom
Penningmeester: J.J. Schilder
Secretaris: B. van Mossel
Algemeen lid: C. van Essen 
Boekhouding-/administratieve controle: "Hondswijk" Administratieve Dienstverlening B.V. te Schalkwijk

Jaarlijks wordt de gehele administratie door een externe accountant Mr. Binod Devkota gecontroleerd en na zijn akkoord wordt het financiële jaarverslag doorgestuurd naar Social Welfare Council (SWC). 

Voor de financiële verantwoording is er een pdf. "financieel jaarverslag" beschikbaar.Bestuursleden & vrijwilligers ontvangen geen beloning voor hun werkzaamheden. 

SCHENKINGSACTE: Dit kan tegenwoordig direct gedaan worden bij de belastingdienst, zie daarvoor formulier "Periodieke Gift Belastingdienst")

Per 1 januari 2008 merkt de Belastingdienst de Stichting Kiran Namaste aan als Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI) gebaseerd op artikel 6.33 Wet Inkomstenbelasting 2001. Bekijk onze ANBI inschrijving hier

Foundation data Kiran Namaste the Netherlands 
Project for Single Women and their children  

Registered as NGO in Nepal:
Social Welfare Council No: 16970
Disctrict Administration Office No: 55/1844
Permanent Accountant number of Tax No: 301707059 

Address The Netherlands  
Stichting Kiran Namaste 
Wilgenmeet 1 
4325 GG RENESSE (Zld)   
Mobiel: 06-51834848 
Mobiel: 06-22473238  
The Netherlands


Boardmembers the Netherlands  
President: Mrs. I.J. Schilder-Verboom
Treasurer: Mr. J.J. Schilder
Secretary: Mr. B. van Mossel
Member: ​​Mrs. C. van Essen

Supervisory board  
Mrs. J.E. Sanders

Foundation data Kiran Namaste Nepal  
Since May 2004, Kiran Namaste Foundation is committed to make single mothers self-reliant and their orphan children educated. As our commitment each year Kiran Namaste has been enrolling new members (single mothers with their children) in the team. Kiran Namaste visits different parts of Nepal to find the most needy mothers. As a result of their enrollment and further activities many women who had been enrolled in Kiran Namaste have now an independent life and working in tailoring, making shoes, handicrafts, restaurant business. 

The Kiran Namaste Nepal board consisting of various people representing from different fraternity. It is a team with good social inclusion and gender balance. All the representatives in the board are fully committed to support and implement the plan of Kiran Namaste. 

Kiran Namaste has a good team to take care of day to day management. Representative from Kiran Namaste, The Netherlands visits periodically to discuss the progress and also for future planning. Monthly reports are prepared and circulated to the board members and also to the Kiran Namaste the Netherlands. 

Board members Kiran Namaste Foundation in Nepal  
President: Mr. Shiva Prasad Dhakal
Vice President: Mrs. Nita Lama
General Secretary: Mr. Khagendra Dhakal
Secretary: Mrs. Punam Prakash Gupta Shrestha
Treasures: Mr. Kanchan Pant
Members: Mrs. Lila Nath Sharma Mrs. Dr. Garima Shrestha  

The Bank account
Name Beneficiary: Kiran Namaste Nepal Foundation
Bank Name and Address: Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
Pulchok - Lalitpur
Kathmandu NEPAL
IBAN / Account no: 00401010007125